Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ruben Studdard


Quick post today because I need to spend the rest of the night watching House of Dragon. I went to watch the newest episode and then realized I forgot most of the what happened in the first season. I'm on the second episode now. I almost want to pull an all nighter since tomorrow is a holiday.

But back to the music post. Back when American Idol came out I used to watch faithfully...at least the very first two seasons I did. Then I just watched sporadically but I do remember catching a lot of Ruben's season. I was definitely rooting for him to win. He has a lovely voice. I thought his career was going to go further but I think what's missing from a lot of his songs is the ability to connect with what he's singing so although he sounds good, it's missing emotional connection. At least that's what's missing for me. One of his big songs Sorry 2004 demonstrates it perfectly IMO. 

I had more of his music in my iTunes collection but most of it ended up getting deleted because I kept skipping the songs anyway. But After the Candles Burn is my jam. Underrated song. He should have released this one as a single.

It almost sounds like another artist style but I can't quite place my finger on who. If it comes to me I'll come and update this post.

And now I'm off to watch House of Dragon. 

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