Monday, February 24, 2020

Shampoo Bars Vs Traditional Shampoo

I'm so super tired, but I know if I go to bed- I won't be able to sleep anyway. So I figured I would stay up and knock some stuff out the way. Like a post. I've been meaning to do this one for a while.

The first time I saw Shampoo bars were on the Anita Grant website. I was intrigued. And I kept reading about how amazing they were on hair boards but the price....The concept of a solid shampoo just seemed so odd. Although, it's  the original way people shampooed their hair. Liquid soap and shampoo is actually a relatively new invention, if you can believe it.

So I took the plunge. I first tried a sample bar of the Lush Trichomania Shampoo bar. And although it has much of the harsh detergents that are in most commercially available shampoo, my hair loved it. I just didn't like the lack of scent. And I wanted a more natural alternative. 

Eventually I bought the Anita Grant Shampoo bars. And same results- loved it! My hair just doesn't get dried out. I can skip moisturizer for a while if I want and my hair doesn't feel like a brillo pad. Curl definition is OK. My hair always dries frizzy anyway-but a little less frizzy. The curls are popping when my hair is wet though. 

Shine is OK.

And a bar can last a really long time! 

I love that it's in solid form. So it's easy to travel with and no plastic bottles. Which is good for the environment. 

And it's easy to find all natural ones with ingredients you can recognize. 

Some of the downsides are you have to scrub a little longer and harder to get your hair clean. 

Sometimes I do the apple cider vinegar thing to make my hair softer and prevent product build up. And if you don't rinse forever the vinegar can stick to your hair. Usually it's not a problem but sometimes I've noticed it so I don't do it all the time. Just every once in awhile.

Another downside is they can be a little harder to find. I tend to order mine online. I did find them in the health food store once though! 

Another downside it, it doesn't really leave a scent in your hair like commercial shampoos can. You can have the fruitiest smelling hair using stuff like Garnier, Pantene, etc. Bar Shampoos usually don't leave any scent. Which is a little bit of a bummer.

In all of the bars I've tried so far, there has been only one that I haven't liked. 

Recommended Shampoo Bars:
JR Ligget Old Fashioned Bar Shampoo (Moisturizing and Original Formula)- I've only tried those two but would highly recommend both! It was also the most affordable and I found it in store. 

Anita Grant Lavender Rose and Babassu Amla- The priciest option because of shipping if you live in the US. I really did love them, the Babassu Amla more than the Lavender Rose. They are a great option and I did like supporting the company. My next order will probably be some Anita Grant goodies. 

Chagrin Valley Ayurvedic Herb- I've tried two from Chagrin Valley and the Ayurvedic Herb was definitely my favorite.  It's a decent size for the money, and can be pretty cost effective if you don't factor in shipping. I have one other one I need to try before I run out. 

I wanted to post this a couple of weeks ago but kept forgetting. I just wanted to show off my Chanel Polish. My sister bought it for me for my's the Vamp (Rouge Noir shade). Most iconic nail polish and featured on one of my favorite movies- Pulp Fiction. 

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