Monday, November 2, 2020


 I have the whole week off this week and I'm so excited about it. I haven't had a straight week off since last April (and that was when I flew to the states to go to my grandma's it doesn't truly count).

I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I have a few ideas...but for today. A quick two posts. The first on LTD. I love this group. I have a few select favorite songs..but I could honestly just put all their stuff on shuffle and be happy.

The standout voice of the group is Jeffrey Osbourne. I love, love, love his voice. I already did a post on him. I would definitely recommend checking his music out. Before you are my absolute favorite L.T.D songs. I can't imagine anyone in the world not liking this song.

I don't know if this one is live..but I'll post it anyway. It sounds too perfect. But back in the day..that was the standard for most artists.

Back In Love Again is another classic. I've heard this one sampled a few times. I wish I could have seen it live. Those outfits tho...

I couldn't find a live version of Stranger. But this song goes hard. More of that perfect voice. This one was sampled a couple of time too. It took me awhile to place what I had heard it in and I kept playing it over and over untilI finally got it.

Love, love, love this group.

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