Monday, September 12, 2022

Voluspa Forbidden Fig Candle Review

Energy Bills are supposed to be going up this I thought I would get a few candles since I want to keep the heat down and candles do help put some heat into the air. Also..I discovered on the days I work from home they can be really pretty nice. 

Thought I would try again with some "luxury" candles. A few years ago I went through a Bath and Body Works/Yankee Candle phase. For some reason I always think the Bath and Body Works candles were terrible scents, even though I was looking through my reviews and I thought they were OK. Usually I didn't love the scents, and while they were strong I think they were too strong and fake smelling. I smelled a few in the store and I usually am not very impressed. Now Yankee Candle I found a few scents I loved but the quality was terrible. They would smoke, tunnel, not enough scent throw. I think they might have changed the wax and are a little bit better now. 

Anyway, I was browsing Nordstrom and they had this candle set by Voluspa and I decided to treat myself. It was on sale. I have bought a large jar once for my mom and it was terrible- no scent. But since the brand is so popular maybe it was just that candle....

Voluspa claims:

Notes of Ripened Fig, Velvety Musk, Midnight Rose & Fig Leaf.

Fragrance Description
Unearth the pure magnificence of the wild fig tree. Rooted down in the dry sun-drenched soil, smooth white bark unfolds with fragrant facets of lush green leaves. This matriarch of the orchard is crowned with succulent dark fruits, filled with coveted sweet nectar and armed with sophisticated woody stalks. The rustling wind sweeps up the essence of plump wild berries and fallen crushed leaves, leaving you with an aromatic fragrance so sweet and alluring that it earns its name - Forbidden Fig.

It's a dark fruity scent. Kinda reminds me of something from Bath and Body Works but the scent quality is nicer and a bit more nuanced. I don't really get the fig scent- figs don't really have a scent to me though. And I just had some last week. But it does smell similar to a fig soap I used not too long ago. I really hated the scent of that soap though. This is more berry like and sweeter which is probably why I like it more. But not too sweet. 

It's perfect for lighting on a nice fall day....

Smells better lit also than just sniffing from the tin. I thought I wouldn't like this candle but the more I've used it, the more I like it. And I do really like it. Not enough to repurchase (so many I want to try). But enough that I would recommend it to someone else. 

I was suprised at how much a scent punch these pack. Only a 4 oz candle yet really can scent a large room. and drift through an open floor plan.

Mine is the little 4 ounce candle. Which claims a burn time of 25 hours. IDK about that. I don't think mine has burned that long but I still have some left. I think the burn time is fair for the price.

The packaging is gorgeous. I am cleaning it out and repurposing it. The packaging really feels like quality although I do know it's subject to dents based on my other ones. 

The wax is supposed to be a Coconut Blend- not sure if it contains paraffin,  it doesn't really say but Coconut Wax does seem to be a better alternative since I don't think paraffin is the best to burn indoors. I don't avoid paraffin entirely but I do like the idea of more natural wax. 

With the sale price I ended up paying $7.20 per candle which I think was a great price. I wish I picked up the other set..

Overall, if subtle dark fruity scents appeal to you, I think this one is worth checking out!

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