Monday, March 6, 2023

DIY Cocoa Butter Bars

 The last couple of days I have been researching gel nail allergies. I think it started from watching one video on youtube and then just snowballed. A few years back I considered buying a gel nail set- they have a lot of options on Amazon (many many sketchy ones, wouldn't get those). I think I decided against it because I have weak, always chipping and splitting nails and I don't want to damage them further. Also I don't want to go through the removal process each time I want to change colors. I just want my nail polish to last a full three days with no chipping/shine, and gel would be overkill for what I want. But checking the pictures of the allergies (you can see them on Google), I am glad I never started. I would likely have ended up with uncured gel and allergies. Anyway. let me stop rambling about nail allergies and talk more about these cute Cocoa Butter bars I made yesterday. 

I've had my Plant Therapy Cocoa Butter sitting around for a long time and really need to use it up. I have been too lazy to whip it up with Shea Butter, other oils, and scents. I haven't whipped any since I did a really huge batch and I used it all up ages ago. I have been taking the big chucks of cocoa butter and using them though. I guess that's the way I really like to use Cocoa Butter so I figured I would take all the little chunks, melt them down and make them cuter and easier to use.

I melt them in a "double boiler". Just a glass pyrex dish with the Cocoa Butter in a sauce pan with a pot of boiling water to melt it. That's the best way to melt your oils and butters. It's just more gentle. Anyway I melt it down, it didn't take long. Poured it in some silicone chocolate molds I bought forever ago on Ebay. And let them cool. I did pop it into the fridge after awhile to help it solidify quicker. 

That's it! These will take a while to use up..and when I finally do I will definitely make more. I find these are amazing on dry, skin. I think it softens even better than Shea Butter. Especially good for dry heels, dry hands, just dry skin in general. Although it doesn't melt as easy as Shea which can make it slightly more work to apply- I think it's worth it for the softness though.

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