Monday, May 30, 2022

Updated Ancestry Results #6

 New Ancestry DNA Results...every year we get an update, usually after summer so I was pretty surprised to see this one. As research expands, results change....I don't think I had a ton of changes. Just a few. And I like documenting all the updates somewhere so figured it may as well be on the blog. 

This one is kinda of exciting because it breaks down what DNA came from which parent...but I likely won't post those. And they just introduced a new feature that gives you up to 30 traits for $20. I'll probably get that later on.

First major change- well not that big of a change- back to 15 regions instead of just 14. Lost some of my Africa- went from 75 to 74 but it will likely go back up with the next update.

Nigeria is the same. Cameroon/Congo increased by 1% and Benin/Togo decreased 1%. Portugal decreased 1%, as did Mali. Senegal increased by 1%. Scotland increased by 1%. Ivory Coast and Ghana decreased by 1%. Spain and Norway and Germanic Europe  disappeared.  European Jewish increased by 1%. Eastern and Southern Bantu Peoples stayed the same at 1%. Spain disappeared but Basque is new- it's off the coast of Spain- so maybe it just got more specific? England/Northwestern Europe is new but I think but I've had it in other updates.  Ireland is new but I think I've had it in other updates too. And Indigenous Puerto Rico is new but it was in my sisters last update so not very surprising and it's been in my "Communities" for awhile. 

The communities stayed the exact same.

My mom probably had the most interesting update- this is the first specific group that has come up for Africa and I was really excited to see it. As the years progress I am sure it will get more specific.

For now I was excited to see this and need to do a little research.  I should probably research the Indigenous Americas too, I could definitely expand my knowledge on the Yucatan Peninsula.

And that's it! Until the next update....

You can view my last update here (2021 Update).

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