Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Ancestry DNA Update #7

 I've been meaning to do this post for a long time. I don't think I was prepared for this update since it really was so close to the last one. But I do love tracking the changes...so here we go. 

Still at 74% African. I'm always waiting for it to increase since they took one percent off with the last update. I want my one percent increase back. Went from 15 to 16 regions. I think that's the most so far. And really quite a lot when I think about it. 

Nigeria is still my biggest percentage....but still decreased by 2%.  Next up we have Cameroon, Congo etc, also decreased by 1%.  Benin and Togo used to be next, but now it's 5th on the list and 10% instead of 13%. Portugal is now 4th and also decreased by 1%.  Mali is exactly the same at 12%. Finally a region that hasn't decreased! Senegal is the same as well (6%).

Ghana Increased! I guess that's where all the decreases happened, I'm excited about that, I think Ghana used to be my highest region. It went from 3 to 7%. Scotland decreased, went from 5% to 4%. Jewish Peoples of Europe and Basque is the same at 2%. England increased- went from 2% to 3%. Southern Bantu, Eastern Bantu, and Indigenous Puerto Rico are all still 1%. 

Germanic Europe is new. It comes and goes depending on the update. Also Wales is new too. 

And same exact communities. 

You can view my last update here.

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