Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Ancestry DNA Update #8

 Just doing a quick update. Ancestry did a big update a couple weeks ago and I like to keep track of them so I always update them here. 

I still have a ton of regions at 16. I'm going to be referencing my last update but I don't think I'll add the screenshots like I have in the past.

Here's the gist of everything:

Nigeria is the same- still 20%. The second region Cameroon went from 17% to 18%. Portugal also went up by one percent. Mali is the same. Benin and Togo went up by one percent. Ivory Coast and Ghana increased by 7%. Senegal is the same. England is also still the same at 3%

 Next up Scotland-decreased by one. Jewish is the same. Basque the same. Southern and Eastern Bantu Peoples are the same. As well as Indigenous Puerto Rico and Germanic Europe. And Wales was changed to Ireland. 

Not many changes and nothing really exciting in my families DNA either. 

I do finally have FOUR communities. It's evened out with all my family because my sister had more and I was missing some and now we seem more evenly matched.

Now I'm going to dive into movie night.....

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