Thursday, January 12, 2023

Worst Beauty Products of 2022

 It's been a few days now since I've done the Best Edition, now time for the worst. I usually go into these posts with no idea how many I've come things I've come across that I would truly consider the worst....I think I had a pretty good year last year. I've tried a lot of new brands and can't think of too many that should be on this let's get started.

1. Palmolive Naturals Bar Soap- The soap itself is not bad, but the scent. I really could not stand the smell of this, it just smells like the worst cheap soap. Reminds of the Nivea bars. 

2. Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds Perfume- This might be the worst perfume I have ever smelled in my life. I wore it once and then sprayed the rest outside. I couldn't even stand to use it as a room spray. 

3. Da Bomb Unicorn Bath Bomb- I think this might be the worst bath bomb money can buy. It doesn't fizz right, doesn't color the water, and the scent is not a bath scent. 

4. Smashbox Photo Finish Primer- It's just alright for everyday shimmers looks- anytime you put a darker shade it goes patchy. In humidity etc it just doesn't make your shadow last like it should. This is probably the worst shadow primer I have used. Luckily I'm on the last little bit and then I can move on. 

Surprisingly...that's it! There were a lot of things I tried that I disliked...definitely a lot of the BBW Pocket Bacs but these are the standouts. I think this might be the shortest of all the posts I've done like this. 

What did you try in the last year that stand out as the worst? Let me know in the comments! 

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